- Physiol. Rev. v.34 A law of comparative judgment Thurstone, L.L.
- Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. v.28 Prediction of flavour intensity of blackcurrant drinks from compositional data on fruit concentrates by partial least squares regression Piggott, J.R.;Paterson, A.;Clyne, J.
- Perception v.1 Salt taste sensitivity: a signal detection approach O'Mahony, M.
- Food Technol. v.52 no.7 Foundations of sensory science and a vision for the future Ennis, D.M.
- Food Technol. v.52 no.8 Evolution of sensory science discipline Schutz, H.G.
- Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Industrial Food Engineering Concept of food sensory engineering as function of time Chun, J.K.
- Food Eng. Prog. v.6 Concept of food sensory engineering and its application to sensory evaluation Chun, J.K.
- Seven works of Vasubandhu Anacker, S.
- Food Eng. Prog. v.8 Cognitive sensory evaluation on potato chips using cognitive sensory barcode and frequency curve method Shine, S.W.;Chun, J.K.
- New food sensory evaluation method using barcode and frequency code Kim, S.O.;Lee, S.Y.;Chun, J.K.
- Infant Behavior Develop. v.17 Fetal reaction to recurrent maternal speech DeCasper, A.J.;Lecanuet, J.P.;Busnel, M.C.;Granier-Deferre, C.;Maugeais, R.
- Science v.255 Linguistic experience alters phonetic perception in infants by 6 months of age Kuhl, P.K.;Williams, K.A.;Lacerda, F.;Stevens, K.N.;Lindblom, B.
- Journal of Experi?mental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition v.30 Liking and memory for musical stimuli as a function of exposure Szpunar, K.K.;Schellenberg, E.G.;Pliner, P.
- Perception and Cognition of Music Deliege, I.;Sloboda, J.
- Revue de Musicologie v.76 Functions de la memorie dans les traites theoretiques au XVlle siecle Buzon,
- Psychol. Bull. v.92 Processing negativity in evoked potential reflection of selective attention Naatanen, R.
- The two steps of the categorization process in music listening. An approach of the cue extraction mechanism as modular system;Music and the mind machine. The psychophysiology and psychopathology of the sense of music Deliege, I.;Steinberg, R.(ed.)
- The Modularity of Mind Foder, J.A.
- Proceed?ings of the 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition Extraction d'indices et categorisation dans l'ecoute de la musique chez I'enfant: effet de l'age, de la formation et du style musical sur la capacite a identifier, classer et comparer des structures musicales Deliege, I.;Dupont, M.;Deliege, I.(ed.)
- Auditory scene analysis Bregman, A.S.
- Listening: An introduction to the perception of auditory events Handel, S.
- J. Res. Music Edu. v.21 Listeners' responses to music in relation to autochthonous and experiential factors Hedden, S.K.
- J. Res. Music Edu. v.10 Classification of reaction patterns in listening to music Yingling, R.W.
- J. Res. Music Edu. v.39 Listeners' response to music as a function of personality type Lewis, B.E.;Schmidt, C.P.
- Senses Conference Haptic Sensation and Instrumental Transgression Rebelo, P.
- 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology Oriental concept of hidden layers in neural network control and its application in food sensory control Chun, J.K.
- Proceedings of the 7th conference of food engineering, AIChE Annual meeting New concept of sensory engineering associated with neural network control Chun, J.K.