Presence of Carbonic Anhydrase III in Liver of Flounder, Limanda yokohamae

  • Kho, Kang-Hee (Department of Food Science and Technology, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Choi, Kap-Seong (Department of Food Science and Technology, Sunchon National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.30


Carbonic anhydrase III was found in liver of flounder, Limanda yokohamae. Protein was isolated from cytosolic extracts and identified using SDS-PAGE and isolectric focusing. Specific protein bands with molecular weight of 30 kDa and pIs of 7.0 and 6.5 were detected by Western blotting. This is the first report of identification of carbonic anhydrase III from L. yokohamae.



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