- Appl. Microbiol. v.27 Human fecal flora: The normal flora of 20 Japanese-Hawaiians Moore, W.E.C.;Holdeman, L.V.
- Microbial Ecology of the Human Large Intestine;Human Colonic Bacteria: Role in Nutrition, Physiology and Pathology Conway, P.L.;Gibson, G.R.(ed.);Macfarlane, G.T.(ed.)
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- Food Sci. Biotechnol. v.14 Growth-inhibiting effects of Juiperus virginiana leaf-extracted components toward human intestinal bacteria Kim, M.K.;Kim, Y.M.;Lee, H.S.
- Prebiotics: New Developments in Functional Foods Gibson, G.R.;Ottaway, P.B.;Rastall, R.A.
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.123 Simulation of the rat intestinal ecosystem using a two-stage continuous culture system Veilleux, B.G.;Rowland, I.R.
- Outlook Agric. v.12 The world potato crop: The present position and probable future development Van der Zaag, D.E.
- Korean. J. Nutr. v.29 Effects of antihypertensive diets mainly consisting of buckwheat, potato, and perilla seed on blood pressures and plasma lipids in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats Han, C.K.;Lee, B.H.;Song, K.S.;Lee, N.H.;Yoon, C.S.
- Food Sci. Biotechnol. v.13 Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and phenolic contents in the water extract of medicinal plants Do, J.R.;Kang, S.N.;Kim, K.J.;Jo, H.J.;Lee, S.W.
- Plant Physiol. v.128 Snakin-2, an antimicrobial peptide from potato whose gene is locally induced by wounding and responds to pathogen infection Berrocal-Lobo, M.;Segura, A.;Moreno, M.;Lopez, G.;Garcia-Olmedo, F.;Molina, A.
- J. Agric. Food Chem. v.49 Relative abundance and inhibitory distribution of protease inhibitors in potato juice from cv. elkana Pouvreau, L.;Gruppen, H.;Piersma, S.R.;Van den Broek, A.M.;van Koningsveld, G.A.;Voragen, A.G.J.
- Korean. J. Nutr. v.2 A study on dietary therapy for patient with peptic ulcer Yim, W.M.
- Color atlas of anaerobic bacteria Mitsuoka, T.A.
- Food Sci. Biotechnol. v.14 In vivo evaluation of potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) on fecal microflora of human volunteers Kim, Y.M.;Lim, M.Y.;Lee, H.S.
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- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.59 Inhibition of adhesion of Escherichia coli K88 to piglet ileal mucus by Lactobacillus spp. Blomberg, L.;Henriksson, A.;Conway, P.L.
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