광화학적 산화처리에 의한 Atrazine 분해 특성

The Characteristics of Atrazine Decomposition by Photo-chemical Oxidation Process

  • 최현진 (서울산업대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 박종일 (서울산업대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 이태진 (서울산업대학교 환경공학과)
  • Choi, Hyun-Jin (Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Park, Jong-Il (Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Tae-Jin (Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.31


본 연구에서는 광화학적 산화처리에 의한 아트라진의 분해특성을 분해산물의 분석을 통하여 살펴보았다. 본 실험에서 나타난 주요 분해산물로는 OIET, OIAT, OAAT가 있었고, 이를 통하여 광산화 반응에 의한 아트라진의 주분해반응은 dechlorination과 hydroxylation임을 확인할 수 있었다. TOC의 분석 결과 광산화에 의한 아트라진의 무기화는 기대하기 어려운 것으로 판명되었으며, 염소 이온의 물질수지 분석을 통해 본 광산화 반응에 의해 아트라진의 염소기의 완전한 탈염소가 진행되었음을 알 수 있었다.

In this study, the characteristics of atrazine decompositon with photo-chemical oxidation process was investigated by the oxidation products analysis. The main products of the process were OIET(2-hydroxy-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino s-triazine), OIAT(2-hydroxy-4-amino-6-isopropylamino s-triazine) and OAAT(2-hydroxy-4,6-diamino-s-triazine), resulting i n dechlorination or hydroxylation as the main mechanism of the photo-chemical oxidation process. Through the material balance analysis of TOC and chloride ion in the aqueous solution, it was concluded that mineralization of the atrazine was not occurred but the dechlorination of atrazine had been completed.



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