CRIES, FLACC, PIPP를 이용한 고위험영아의 통증사정

Pain Assessment using CRIES, FLACC and PIPP in High-Risk Infants

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Purpose: Infants at neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are invariably exposed to various procedural and environmental stimuli. The study was performed to compare the pain responses in three NICU stimulants and to examine the clinical feasibility for NICU infants using CRIES, FLACC and PIPP. Method: In a correlational study, a total of 94 NICU stimulants including angio-catheter insertions, trunk-rubbings and loud noises, was observed for pain responses among 64 infants using CRIES, FLACC and PIPP. Results: A significant difference was identified among the mean scores in CRIES($F_{(2, 91)}$=47.847, p=.000), FLACC($F_{(2, 91)}$=41.249, p=.000) and PIPP($F_{(2. 91)}$=16.272, p=.000) to three stimulants. In a Post-hoc Scheff test, an angio-catheter insertion showed the highest scores in CRIES, FLACC and PIPP compared to the other two stimulations. A strong correlation was identified between CRIES and FLACC in all three stimulations(.817 < r < .945) while inconsistent findings were identified between PIPP and CRIES or FLACC. Conclusions: The results of the study support that CRIES and FLACC are reliable and clinically suitable pain measurements for NICU infants. Further studies are needed in data collection time-point as well as clinical feasibility on PIPP administration to assess pain response in infants, including premature infants.



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