Dual Earner Families' Child Care Alternatives and Policy Implications

맞벌이 가족의 자녀양육방식을 통해 본 아동양육지원의 정책적 함의

  • 김선미 (광주대학교 사회복지학부 가족복지전공)
  • Published : 2005.12.01


This study investigated various alternatives for childcare among dual-earner families and discussed implications for public policy development. Eight employed married women and two of their husbands were interviewed about work-family balance. All the interviewees complained that taking cue of the children in dual-earner families is a challenge. They resort to all available alternatives because public childcare support is insufficient and inadequate. There were five different types chilcare: extended family network, public and private institutions, paid help (nannies), rearranging work schedules, and training their children to take cue of themselves. However, all these alternatives entail various problems. More and better childcare facilities and programs should be built and after-school programs should be designed. On the other hand, parents should also make more effort to prioritize children's needs in finding a balance between work and family.



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