A 3-year-old, 43kg, pregnant Great Pyrenese was examined for clinical signs of acute weakness and anorexia for 4 days. The dog was in lateral recumbency at referral. The rectal temperature was within reference range, and the respiratory and heart rates were 36 breaths/min and 58 beats/min, respectively. The abdomen was distended, and several puppies were palpated. The mean fetal head diameter was 2.8cm in the ultrasonographic examination. The initial complete blood count and serum biochemical examinations revealed mild dehydration, mud hyperglycemia, hypochloremia, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and low sodium-potassium ratio. Serum BUN and total cholesterol values were slightly high. Hypoadrenocortical crisis was suspected on the basis of signs of acute collapse, hyponatremia and hyperkalemia. Adrenal gland function was evaluated by an ACTH stimulation test. The baseline cortisol concentration was $18.6{\mu}g/dl$ and the concentration at 1 hour after administration of tetracosactrin (ACTH, Synacthen) was $8{\mu}g/dl$. The dog was treated for the correction of assumed hypoadrenocortical crisis and substantial hyperkalemia. In addition to rapid infusion with saline solution, other medications administered intravenously included sodium bicarbonate and cimetidine hydrochloride. The dog was monitored with repeated serum electrolyte examination. After clinical stabilization, cesarean section was performed. All of 13 puppies were delivered, and the dog recovered from anesthesia without complications. The values of postpartum blood tests returned to normal or within reference range. The dog remained healthily.