Molecular Characterization and Infectious cDNA Clone of a Korean Isolate of Pepper mild mottle virus from Pepper

  • Yoon, Ju-Yeon (Plant Virus GenBank, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University) ;
  • Hong, Jin-Sung (Plant Virus GenBank, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University) ;
  • Kim, Min-Jea (Plant Virus GenBank, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University) ;
  • Ha, Ju-Hee (Plant Virus GenBank, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University) ;
  • Choi, Gug-Seon (National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Choi, Jang-Kyung (Division of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Ryu, Ki-Hyun (Plant Virus GenBank, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


A Korean isolate of Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV-Kr) was isolated from a diseased hot pepper plant and its biological and molecular properties were compared to that of PMMoV-J and PMMo V -So The genomic RNA of PMMoV-Kr consists of 6,356 nucleotides. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences identities of four viral proteins and two noncoding regions among PMMoV-Kr, PMMoV-S and PMMoV-J were $96.9\%\;to\;100.0\%\;and\;97.5\%\;to\;98.6\%$, respectively. Full-length cDNA amplicon of PMMoV-Kr was directly amplified by RT-PCR with a set of 5'-end primer anchoring T7 RNA promoter sequence and 3'-end virus-specific primer. Capped transcript RNAs from the full-length cDNA clone were highly infectious and caused characteristic symptoms of wild type PMMoV when mechanically inoculated to systemic host plants such as Nicotiana benthamiana and pepper plants.



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피인용 문헌

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