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- 한국정보처리학회, DRM 최선 국제표준 기술 사양분석 및 세계 유명제품 동향과 전망에 관한 연구, 2004/02/27
- House of Representatives, Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005, 2005/04/19
- Niels Thorwirth, Competitive Advantage through Digital Watermarking, 2005/05/27
- Bob Kulakowski, Digital Rights Management, 2005/09/09
- CabSab Europe Briefing, Sinking the Software Pirates, 2005/08/18
- IDC, Understanding DRM systems, 2001/10/18
- HDTV Korea, 미국의 디지털 TV 카피 규제, 2004/04/17
- Mike Godwin, What Every Citizen Should Know about DRM, 2004/03/17
- Public Knowledge, Analog Hole
- Declan McCullagh, New law cracks down on P2P pirates, 2005/04/29
- Edaily, 미, 온라인 저작권 침해 처벌 강화, 2005/10/21
- 전자신문, 워터마크, 2003/04/19
- 닛케이산업신문, 네트워크 부정 배신 방지 기술, 2002/08/30
- 강호갑, DRM 기술 개발 아직 갈 길이 멀다, 2005/10/14
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- XCURENET, 국내 DRM 시장 보고서, 2003/04/23
- Natali Heiberger외, Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability, 2004/12/10
- Fred von Lohmann, Fair Use & Digital Rights Management, 2002/08/07