생태적 디자인 전략에 의거한 가구 디자인 방향 제시에 관한 연구

A Study on the Direction of Furniture Design based on Ecological Design Strategies

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The future of design relies much on and is only ensured by the fundamental understanding of the dynamics between the ecosystem of nature and that of humans; therefore, having an eco-mind is essential. This study establishes ecological design strategies coinciding with the furniture design process and the furniture product life cycle in production, distribution, and end-of-life. In addition, it provides an overall direction with guidelines for ecological furniture design. The presented strategies focus on the Development of a New Concept; the Optimized Use of Physical Materials-functionality and utility; the Optimized Production; the Optimized Distribution System; and the Optimized End-of-life System. Through taking these steps, we can not only preserve our natural environment and Improve our lives, but also create optimal furniture design which corresponds and integrate with the ecosystem.



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