인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 의류상품에 대한 착의경험 정보제공이 트래픽과 판매성과에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Trial-Experience Information on the Traffic and Sales Performance of Apparel Product Websites

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


This study suggests a strategy of providing apparel product information from the wearers' perspective on Internet shopping malls, as a way of compensating for the lack of opportunities to try on the actual product. On an actual Internet shopping mall that sells apparel product, the 'trial-experience information' (the experiential information provided by the fit models who tried on the products) was provided for 83 different items from four women's wear brands. The traffic and sales performances (number of visitors, page view, gross sales of goods, conversion rate, and the numbers of customer transactions) of the apparel product websites that contain trial-experience information were compared to the performances of the brand's websites before this information was implemented. The changes in percent contribution of these brands in women's wear category were also noted. The specific results are as follows: First, all the four performance measures as well as the percent contribution of the experiment products in women's wear category increased noticeably throughout the experiment period (11 to $103\%$). Second, when the percent contribution of these brands in women's wear category in terms of traffic and sales performances were compared to the previous year, these measures increased between $497\%\;and\;2851\%$. Third, the amount of customer transactions also increased after the trial-information was provided, yet to a relatively smaller extent $(29.04\%\;to\;55.25\%)$. The findings showed that trial-experience information provided on the Internet shopping malls may reduce customers' risk perception and lead to increased sales of apparel product and improve the site use ratio.



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