초등과학실험수업에서 탐구요구수준에 따른 학습의 효과: 인지적 영역을 중심으로

The Effects of Science Learning with the Levels of Inquiry Requirement in Elementary School Science Experiment Instruction: on Cognitive Domain

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


In this study the effects of science teaming with the level of inquiry requirement in elementary school science experiment instruction were investigated on cognitive domain. We assigned seventy-three students of the fifth grade into two groups according to the levels of inquiry requirement. After each instruction was implemented, the characteristics of the students' tearning science on cognitive domain were compared and analyzed with the levels of them. The higher level (HL) inquiry-required instruction was more effective in increasing and maintaining the memory on the science teaming than the lower level (LL). Especially, in the aspects of the experimental methods and taking cares which the students engage and perform actively rather than do passively, the memory scores of HL group were higher than those of LL. In addition, the memory scores and the degree of maintenance were higher among students who perceived the instruction as easy and interesting. In conclusion, the HL of instruction could stimulate the students to challenge the problems, thereby make them construct meaning actively and improve the amount and degree of maintenance of memory on science teaming.
