교정치료 초기에 사용되는 4가지 호선의 초기 치료효과를 비교하기 위한 전향적 임상 실험 연구

A prospective clinical trial to compare the performance of four initial orthodontic archwires

  • Quintao, Catia C. A. (Department of of Orthodontics, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Dental School) ;
  • Jones, Malcoim L. (University of Wales College of Medicine Dental School) ;
  • Menezes, Luciane M. (Department of Orthodontics, Pontific Catholic University Dental School) ;
  • Koo, Daniel (Department of of Orthodontics, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Dental School) ;
  • Elias, Carlos N. (Department of Metallurgy, Military Institute of Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


본 연구의 목적은 교정치료 초기에 사용되는 스테인레스스틸, 다가닥철선. 초탄성 NiTi, 열활동성 NiTi재료로 이루어진 총 4가지 호선의 초기 치료효과를 비교하기 위하여 시행되었으며, 실험의 설계는 전향적 임상 실험(prospective randomized clinical trial)으로서 브라질 리오데자네이로 주립 치과대대학에 내원한 45명의 고정식 교정장치 환자를 대상으로 시행되었다. 각 호선의 재료는 환자의 치열에 무작위로 배당되었는데 스테인레스스틸은 20명, 다가닥철선은 22명, 초탄성 NiTi는 22명, 열활동성 NiTi는 20명에게 할당되었고. 8주 후에 모형을 다시 제작한 후 3차원 디지털영상 장비를 이용하여 모형의 치관에 설정된 해부학적 지표의 변화를 측정하였는데 치료전 및 치료후 치열불규칙지수(Dental Irregularity Index)의 차이로 초기 교정치료 효과를 비교하였다. 분산분석을 시행하여 불규칙지수의 변화를 살펴본 결과 호선의 재료에 따른 초기 치료 효과는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다

The aim of this study was to compare the clinical performance of 4 types of orthodontic wires, indicated for initial tooth alignment: stainless steel, multistranded steel, superelastic and thermoactivated nickel-titanium. A prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted on a sample of 45 patients, at the Dental School of the State University of Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. Fixed appliances were fitted and study casts were obtained from each patient. Randomly, the wires were allocated as follows: 26 dental arches for superelastic NiTi wires, 22 for stainless steel, 22 for multistranded and 20 for thermoactivated archwires. After 8 weeks, the archwires were removed and impressions for study casts were taken again. Using a 3D digitization technique of defined anatomical points on the study cast crowns, a Dental Irregularity Index (DII) was created for each study cast. The difference between DII before and after the archwire insertion expressed the aligning effect of the wires. ANOVA tests were employed to evaluate the anatomical point approximation (positive DII) and separation (negative DII), for each area of the dental arches: upper and lower whole arch and anterior arch. Results showed no significant difference between the different archwires.



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