Two kinds of high resolution GCMs with the same spatial resolutions but with different schemes run by domestic and foreign agencies are used to clarify the usefulness and sensitivity of GCM for water resources applications for Korea. One is AMIP-II (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project-II) type GCM simulation results done by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) and the other one is AMIP-I type GCM simulation results done by METRI (Korean Meteorological Research Institute). Observed mean areal precipitation, temperature, and discharge values on 7 major river basins were used for target variables. Monte Carlo simulation was used to establish the significance of the estimator values. Sensitivity analyses were done in accordance with the proposed ways. Through the various tests, discrimination condition is sensitive for the distribution of the data. Window size is sensitive for the data variation and the area of the basins. Discrimination abilities of each nodal value affects on the correct association. In addition to theses sensitivity analyses results, we also noticed some characteristics of each GCM. For Korean water resources, monthly and small window setting analyses are recommended using GCMs.