산악 계곡지형에서의 오염확산에 관한 연구(II) :수치해석

A Study on the Pollutant Dispersion over a Mountain Valley Region (II) : Numerical Simulation

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


Passive gas dispersions over a 1/1000 scale terrain model at Eiffel type wind tunnel were reproduced by numerical simulation. Large eddy simulation was used to treat the sub-grid scale turbulences. The terrain features were represented by millions of point forces densely distributed over the solid surface using the virtual boundary method. The model simulations agreed very well with the experiments in a consistent fashion for all wind directions. The measured profiles of the wind speeds as well as the tracer gas concentrations were nicely simulated by the CFD model at most locations scattered over the model terrain. With scale factor adjusted and the thermal stratification effects incorporated, the CFD model was expected to provide reliable information on pollutant dispersions over the real complex terrains.



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