A Comparative analysis of the Pre- and Post-Construction Image Analysis of the Nakdong Estuary as Coastal Tourism Resource

  • Yhang Wii-Joo (Department of International Tourism Management, Silla University) ;
  • Cho Yoon-Shik (Department of International Tourism Management, Silla University)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


The purpose of this study is the comparative analysis of Susan citizens' images of Eulsook-do as a coastal tourism destination before and after the construction of a road bridge across the Nakdong estuary in order to analyze local people's changes in leisure patterns. Analysis of the images of a pre-construction Eulsook-do that people aged both 40 and less and 50 and more had on five dimensions showed values higher than zero(0) that suggests neutral image, while their images of a post-construction Eulsook-do showed the shrinking size of pentagon on all five dimensions: ET(Entertainment), CA(Culture & Art), EE(Environment & Ecology), RC(Recreation) and LP(Leports) dimensions. Its pre- and post- construction image analysis conducted 20 years after it came to be built finds that the road bridge construction has led to the ecological, environmental disruption of the coast and the lower Nakdong river, having negative influence on the images of Eulsook-so.



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