A Study on the Relationship between Fabric Design Condition for Garment and Shrinkage on the Dyeing and Finishing Processes

의류용 직물설계조건과 염${\cdot}$가공 공정 수축률과의 상관성 연구

  • 김승진 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부) ;
  • 박경순 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부) ;
  • 홍상기 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


The optimum fabric design plan is recently needed with the relevant fabric shrinkage in dyeing and finishing processes for the various sensible fabrics for garment. For responding this need, the difference of fabric design plan such as fabric density, yarn count and finishing shrinkage has to be surveyed with weaving looms such as water jet, air-jet and rapier looms, and also has to be analysed with weave pattern such as plain, twill and satin according to the fabric manufacturers. Therefore, in this study, 420 polyester weave pattern sheets are collected from 5 fabric manufacturers, and the weave density coefficients of these fabrics are calculated using yarn count, fabric density and 1 repeat weave pattern. These weave density coefficients are analysed according to the fabric manufacturers, weaving looms and various weave patterns. And also the weave density coefficients of 420 polyester fabrics are analysed with finishing shrinkage according to the fabric manufacturers and various weave patterns such as plain, twill and satin fabrics.



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