지방대학생의 자아정체감에 관한 연구

A Qualitative Study on Ego Identity of Local University Students

  • 양성은 (조선대학교 행정 복지학부)
  • Yang Sung-Eun (Division of Public Administration & Social Welfare, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


The purposes of this study were to examine how the nested social systems affect the identity development of the local university students, and to explore how they integrate externally imposed identities and internally defined ideas of ego. From the protocol writings and personal face-to-face interviews with 87 local university students, the present study found that the participants tended to identify themselves as a university student rather than a 'local' university student. They were aware of the social prejudices against local university students. Some participants resisted the stereotypes imposed by the media, which they perceived as overly simplistic and biased labeling, while others accepted those with feelings of frustration, inferiority, and sadness. However, they kept making efforts to overcome social prejudices by means of their affection for the local community. The study highlighted that individual identities were constructed in the systems which the individuals belonged to.



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