대학생소비자의 신용카드에 대한 태도 및 재무관리행동, 신용카드 사용행동의 합리성에 대한 인과분석

A Path Analysis of Attitudes toward Credit Cards, Financial Management Practices, and Sound Credit Card Use among College Students

  • 김영신 (충남대학교 소비자생활정보학과)
  • Kim Young-Seen (Dept. of Consumers' Life Information, Chungnam National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting credit card attitudes, financial management practices, and sound credit card use among college students, and to conceptualize a theoretical model. Earlier studies identified a number of antecedent variables (such as gender, year in college, job experience, amount of allowance, family income, living with parents, having taken a personal financial management course) and intervening variables (such as attitudes towards credit cards and financial management practices) as useful predictors of sound credit card practices. Four hundred and thirty four undergraduate students in Daejeon participated in this study. Stepwise multiple regression and path analysis were conducted. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Students' attitudes towards credit cards were affected by their you in college, whether they were living with their parents, and the amount of their allowance. Similarly, students' financial management practices were affected by their year in college, whether they were living with their parents, the amount of their allowance, and whether and not they had taken a personal financial management course. 2. Sound credit card practices were influenced by students' gender, their year in college, the amount of their allowance, attitudes towards credit cards, and financial management practices. 3. The path-analysis model demonstrates the relationships among the antecedent variables, intervening variables (credit card attitude, financial management practices), and sound credit card use.



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