저 누드센 영역에서 구형 포집체상의 에어로졸 물질 전달

Mass Transfer of Aerosol onto Spherical Collector at Low Knudsen Number

  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


In this study, an analytical expression for aerosol mass transfer at spherical collector in the low Knudsen number region was obtained. Happel's zero shear stress cell model was extended in the low Knudsen number region and the result was compared with numerical solution results. The zero vorticity model based on the Kuwabara's cell model was also extended in the low Knudsen number region and compared with Happel's results. The results showed that both analytic and numerical solution agree very well with each other in low Knudsen number region. Happel's zero shear stress model also agrees with Kuwabara's zero vorticity model without significant loss of accuracy. The obtained solution converges to the original solution of Lee et al. (1999) when Knudsen number approaches to zero. Subsequently, this study derived most general type of analytic solution for aerosol mass transfer of spherical collector including the finite Knudsen number region.



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