굴 패화석시용에 따른 토양 내 중금속 동태 변화

Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Soil Amended with Oyster Shell Meal

  • Lee, Ju-Young (Department of Plant Nutrition, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (NIAST)) ;
  • Hong, Chang-Oh (Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Chang-Hoon (Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Do-Kyoung (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University) ;
  • Kim, Pil-Joo (Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


굴 패화석은 남해안의 굴양식 지역을 중심으로 발생량이 매년 증가되고 있으나 재활용율이 낮아 지역적으로 문제가 되므로 토양개량제로서 재활용하고자, 굴 패화석에 소량 포함되어 있는 중금속이 배추의 수량 및 중금속흡수 특성과 토양 내 중금속의 이동성에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 굴 패화석 시용에 따른 토양 내 0.1N HCl 가용 중금속 함량은 토양오염 우려기준 이하로 굴 패화석을 다량시용 함에 따른 중금속성분의 토양 내 축적은 없었다. 굴 패화석 시용량 증가에 따라 토양 내 중금속성분의 총 함량은 미미한 수준에서 증가하는 경향을 보였으나, 대부분의 중금속성분은 생물체 흡수가 불가능한 광물 내 고정된 중금속성분의 형태(residual phase)로 존재하였다. 패화석의 시용량을 증가시킴에 따라 배추 체내 Cu, Mo, Zn의 흡수량은 다소 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 우려할 만한 수준은 아니었으며 생육기간 동안 육안적으로 특정 이온과다에 의한 독성증상은 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 통해 굴 패화석 시용은 토양의 pH개선, 중금속 축적의 배제는 물론, 작물 수량증대에 효과가 현저하므로 양질의 토양개량제로서 활용이 가능한 것으로 판단되었다.

A large amount of oyster-shell waste has been illegally disposed at oyster farm sites along the southern coast of Korea, which already created serious environmental problems. Therefore, the study was undertaken to increase the consumption of oyster shell meal as a soil amendment. The effects of oyster shell meal on dynamics of heavy metals and uptake of heavy metals by spring Chinese cabbage were evaluated in silt loam soil (in Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Gyeongnam-do, Korea), where 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 Mg $ha^{-1}$ oyster-shell meal fertilizer were added. Lime treatment (2 Mg $ha^{-1}$) was selected as a control. In the results of this study, cabbage yields were increased by increasing levels of oyster-shell meal fertilizer. With increasing levels of oyster-shell meal fertilizer, total heavy metals concentrations were not significant among treatments. However, 0.1N HCl extractable heavy metals concentration was significantly reduced due to increasing of soil pH. A lot of portion (ca. $80{\sim}90%$) heavy metals fraction of all fractions was residual phase in soil after harvesting. The contents of Cu, Mo, Zn in cabbage were slightly increased by increasing levels of oyster shell meal fertilizer. However, there were no toxic symptoms of heavy metals during cultivation. Conclusively, it was estimated that oyster shell fertilizer could be a good amendment to increase productivity of crop and reduce uptake of heavy metals by crop and mobility of heavy metals in soil.



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피인용 문헌

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  2. Stabilization of lead and copper contaminated firing range soil using calcined oyster shells and fly ash vol.35, pp.6, 2013,
  3. Stabilization of Pb and Cd contaminated soils and soil quality improvements using waste oyster shells vol.33, pp.1, 2011,
  4. Current research trends for heavy metals of agricultural soils and crop uptake in Korea vol.31, pp.1, 2012,
  5. Stabilization of arsenic-contaminated mine tailings using natural and calcined oyster shells vol.64, pp.3, 2011,
  6. Stabilization of Cu-contaminated army firing range soils using waste oyster shells vol.33, pp.S1, 2011,
  7. Stabilization of Pb2+ and Cu2+ contaminated firing range soil using calcined oyster shells and waste cow bones vol.91, pp.9, 2013,
  8. Stabilization of As-, Pb-, and Cu-contaminated soil using calcined oyster shells and steel slag vol.22, pp.14, 2015,