Run-off Impact Assessment of the Steeped Cornfield to Small Stream

  • Shin, Joung-Du (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Sik (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Kim, Won-Il (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Jung, Goo-Bok (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • So, Kyu-Ho (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Teak (Department of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, Division of Agricultural Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Lee, Myong-Sun (Department of Natural Resources & Plant Science, Sang-Ji University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutrient loss and to assess the eutrophication into small stream by intensive rains in the steeped cornfield during cultivation. The crop cultivated was a soiling com (DW5969), and the experimental plots were divided into two parts that were 10 and 18% of slope degrees. The amount of T-N and T-P loss was calculated by analysis of surface run-off water quality, and was investigated the effect of eutrophication to small stream as a part of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology application. For the surface run-off water quality, EC and T-N values were highest in first runoff event as compared to the other events and maintained the stage state with litter variations at every hour during the runoff period except for EC in the slope 18%. However, T-P concentration has been a transient stage after runoff event of July 27. Total surface run-off ratio was not significantly different with slope degrees, but amount of T-N and T-P losses at 18% of slope were high as $5.96kg\;ha^{-1}\;and\;0.65kg\;ha^{-1}$ as relative to 10% of slope degree, respectively. Furthermore, T-N losses from run-off water in the sloped cornfield 10 and 18% were approximately 9.8 and 12.5% of the N applied as fertilizer when the fertilizer applied at recommended rates after soil test, respectively. For the eutrophication impact to the small stream, it was shown that $PO_4$ equivalence and Eco-indicator value at 18% of slope degree were greater as much $6.11kg\;ha^{-1}$ and 0.81 as compared to the slope angle 10%, respectively. Therefore, it was appeared that each effect of nutrient losses, eutrophication and Eco-indicator value was enhanced according with higher slope degree.



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