Effect of Gamma Rays on the Growth Performance of Bangladesh Clone Tea

  • Ali, M. Aslam (Graduate Training Institute (Crop Science), Bangladesh Agricultural University) ;
  • Samad, M. A. (Dept. of Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture) ;
  • Amin, M. K. (Dept. of Biotechnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.31


The experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of gamma radiation on the early growth performance and physiological traits of BT2 clone tea, the most promising cultivar released by Bangladesh Tea Research Institute. The fresh shoot cuttings were irradiated with seven different levels of gamma radiation such as 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gy from Cobalt 60Co source (Dept. of PlantBreeding, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture). Thereafter, the irradiated shoot cuttings were planted in polythene bags and kept under natural conditions. It was observed that callusing was initiated from 8th weeks after placement of tea shoot cuttings in the polythene bags and completed by 12th weeks. The morphological growth of tea shoot cuttings were recorded under varying levels of gamma radiation and growth stages. It was observed that the number of leaves, number of primary branches, base diameter, root length and total leaf area per plant significantly increased with the progress of time and increasing levels of gamma radiation, however, the plant height showed decreasing trend with the increasing levels of gamma radiation, which could be due to the change in chromosomal structure and genetic makeup. After 56 weeks of planting, the plant height, the number of leaves and primary branches per plant, base diameter, root length and total leaf area per plant recorded were 65.70 cm, 30.67, 7.33, 1.48 cm, 23.50 cm, and 1250.67 cm2 per plant respectively under the radiation level 60 Gy, whereas the corresponding figures of the above parameters at the control treatment were 76.21 cm, 18.33, 3.67, 0.92 cm, 17.75 cm and 778.33 cm2 per plant, respectively. A significant relationship was observed among the physiological growth parameters with the increasing levels of gamma radiation. The total dry matter gain, leaf area index, absolute growth rate and relative growth rate were significantly influenced with the rising levels of gamma radiation (up to 60 Gy), whereas the net assimilation rate of individual tea plant non-significantly responded as compared to those of control treatment. Finally after 56 weeks of planting, the maximum total dry weight gain, leaf area index, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate recorded under 60 Gay radiation level were 40.25 g/plant/week, 4.25, 1.18 g/week, 0.0621g/g/week and 17.07 g/m2/week respectively.



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