본 연구는 개에서 위수혈(BL-21) 및 중완혈(CV-12)에 대한 지침의 구토억제효과를 규명할 목적으로 수행하였다. 사용 혈위는 BL-21 및 CV-12이었다. 각 군에서 구토 유발을 위하여 $2{\%}$ xylazine(2.2 mg/kg)을 투여하였으며, metoclopramide 수침은 1 mg/kg의 비율로 해당 혈위에 각각 수침하였다 대조군 및 실험군에 있어서 xylazine 투여 20분전에 BL-21 및 CV-12에 자침, metoclopramide 수침 및 뜸 처치를 각각 실시하였다. 대조군 및 실험군에서 구토율 및 구토발현시간을 각각 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. BL-21자침군, CV-12 자침군 및 BL-21과 CV-12 병용 자침군의 구토율은 각각 $33.3{\%}\;50.0{\%}$ 및 $33.3{\%}$로서 대조군($66.7{\%}$)보다 낮았다. BL-21 자침군, CV-12 자침군 및 BL-21과 CV-12 병용 자침군에 있어서 구토 발현 시간은 대조군과 유사하였다. BL-21 수침군 및 CV-12 수침군의 구토 억제율은 각각 $100{\%}$ 및 $83.6{\%}$로서 수침군의 대조군($63.6{\%}$)보다 높았다. 구토발현시간은 수침군의 BL-21 수침군은 0분이었으며, CV-12 수침군은 5분으로서 수침군의 대조군과 유사하였다. BL-21 뜸 처치군 및 CV-12뜸 처치군의 구토율은 각각 $33.3{\%}$로서 뜸 처치군의 대조군($66.7{\%}$)보다 낮았다. 구토발현시간은 뜸 처치군의 대조군 $2{\~}4$분, BL-21 뜸 처치군이 $2{\~}4$분 및 CV-12 뜸 처치군이 $2{\~}3$분으로서 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 개에서 $2{\%}$ xylazine 투여로 유발된 구토에 대한 BL-21 및 CV-12의 자침, metoclopramide 수침 및 뜸 처치가 각각 구토 억제에 효과적이었으며, 또한 이들 중 BL-21에 대한 metoclopramide 수침의 구토억제 효과가 가장 우수하였다.
The present study was made in order to clarify the anti-emetic effect by needle-acupuncture (AP), injection-AP and moxibustion in xylazine - induced vomiting of dogs. Twelve mongrel dogs (4 months to 5 year old, 2 to 4 kg of body weight), eleven mongrel dogs (4 months to 5 years old, 2 to 10 kg of body weight) and twelve mongrel dogs (4 months to 1 year old, 2 to 4 kg of body weight) were used for clarification of anti-emetic effect by needle-AP, injection-AP and moxibustion, respectively. The experimental animals were devided into control(6 heads), BL-21(6 heads), CV-12(6 heads) and BL-21+CV-12(6 heads) groups using total 6 dogs with vomiting selected in preliminary experiment, respectively in needle-AP treatment. In addition, the experimental dogs were divided into control (11 heads), BL-21 (6 heads) and CV-12(6 heads) groups using 11 dogs, respectively in injection-AP treatment. In moxibustion treatment the experimental dogs were divided into control (6 heads), BL-21(6 heads) and CV-12(6 heads) groups using 6 dogs, respectively. Five days after the experiment of one group was finished, the other group was examined in each experiment. Acupuncture needle was maintained for 20 minutes in needle-AP treatment. Metoclopramide was used in injection-AP treatment. Commercial moxa was used in moxibustion treatment. Vomiting was induced by intramuscular injection with $2{\%}$ xylazine 20 minutes after treatments of needle-AP, injection-AP and moxibustion, respectively. The vomiting rates of BL-21($33.3{\%}$), CV-12($50{\%}$) and BL-21+CV-12($33.3{\%}$) were lower than that of control($66.7{\%}$) and vomiting times of experimental groups were similar to that of control in needle-AP treatment. The vomiting rates of BL-21 ($0{\%}$) and CV-12($16.4{\%}$) were lower than that of control($66.7{\%}$) and the vomiting time of CV-12 group was similar to that of control group in injection-AP treatment. The vomiting rates of BL-21($33.3{\%}$) and CV-12($33.3{\%}$) were lower than that of control ($66.7{\%}$) and vomiting times of experimental group were similar to that of control group in moxibustion treatment. In conclusion, it was considered that needle-AP, metoclopramide injection-AP and moxibustion at BL-21 and CV-12 were effective for anti-emesis in xylazine induced vomiting of dogs and metoclopramide injection-AP was the most effective method for anti-emesis among them.