하천의 물리적 생태적 특성 연구 - 경기지방 모래하천의 사례 -

Study on the Biophysical and Ecological Characteristics of the Streams - A Case of the Sand Streams in Kyonggi-Do District-

  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


모래하천의 물리적$\cdot$생태적 특성을 분석하기 위해 자연환경이 유사한 청미천, 양화천, 복하천을 조사$\cdot$평가하였다. 물리적 구조 평가결과 청미천과 양화천의 생태성은 "양호$\sim$보통", 복하천은 "보통"으로 평가되었으며, 대상하천은 공통적으로 사행과 퇴적작용이 활발한 반면 침식은 약한 것으로 나타났다. 3개 하천의 중점조사구에 대한 식물조사결과물과 가장 인접한곳(정수역)으로부터 갈풀$\rightarrow$달뿌리풀$\rightarrow$갈대$\rightarrow$버드나무$\rightarrow$물푸레나무$\rightarrow$아까시나무$\rightarrow$신나무 군락 순으로 발달하였다. 저서성대형무척추동물의 경우 공통종은 청정지 역에서 주로 출현하는 무의하루살이, 검은 물잠자리 등이며, 우점종은 실지렁이와 깔따구과 sp. 1이었다.

To analyze physical and ecological characteristics of sand streams, Cheongmi, Yanghwa and Bokha streams on the similar environment were Lnvestigated and estimated. According to the estimation results of physical structures, ecological properties of the Cheogmi and Yanghwa streams were classified as 'fair to good', and the Bokha stream was classified as 'fair'; commonly, the representing streams were comparatively active on meandering and accumulation; on the other hand, erosion was less active. As a result of the study for flora on this 3 streams, $Phaiaris\;arundinacfa\rightarrowPhragmites\;japonica\rightarrowPhragmites\;communis\rightarrowSalix\;koreensis\rightarrowFraxinus\;rhynchophylla\rightarrowRobinia\;pseudo-acacia-Acer$ ginnala communities were developed in order of being closest to the water shore. In case of benthic macroinvertebrates, Ephemera striga ta Eaton and Cajopteryx atrata Selys, usually inhabited in the uncontaminated water, were investigated as common species. Besides, Limnodrilus gotoi Hatai and Family Chironomidae sp. 1 were the common dominant benthic macroinvertebrates.



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