국내에서 시판 중인 몇몇 채소류의 중금속에 관한 조사 연구

Studies on the Heavy Metal Content in Some Vegetables Sales on Market in Korea

  • 유춘철 (국립농산물품질관리원 시험연구소) ;
  • 김덕웅 (한양여자대학 식품영양과)
  • Yoo Choon-Cheol (Experiment & Research Station, National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service) ;
  • Kim Duck-Woong (Dept. of Food Nutrition, Han Yang Woman's College)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


This study was conducted to estimate the contents of heavy metals 'Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn' in some vegetables which were produced in Korea. The levels of heavy metals were determined using a mercury analyzer, an ICP(inductively coupled plasma spectrometer) and an AAS(atomic absorption spectrophotometer) after wet digestion. The values of heavy metals "mean(mini.~maxi.)" ppm(mg/kg) in some vegetables(raw of perilla leaf, chard, small water dropwort, water dropwort, kale, bud of aralia, pumpkin(round type) and pumpkin(long type) were as follows : Hg : 0.0021(0.0006~0.0054)mg/kg, Cd : 0.0035(ND*~0.0377)mg/kg, Pb : 0.0191(0.0023~0.0928)mg/kg, As : 0.0757(ND~0.5294)mg/kg, Zn : 2.6299(0.4478~6.8567)mg/kg, Cu : 1.0261(0.2046~8.9417)mg/kg, Cr : 0.1535 (0.0240~0.4982)mg/kg, Mn : 3.2476(0.3283~9.8280)mg/kg. This results showed that Mn was generally simillar to previous reports and Cd, Hg, Pb were lower than other reseaches, but As was little higher or Zn, Cu, Cr were higher than the levels of those reported contents in some vegetables on domestic supermarkets in Korea, Although tolerable limit of Hg and Cd is not in a regulation of WHO/FAO, these mean levels(Pb, As, Zn, Cu) are lower than recommended levels of WHO/FAO, Pb "0.1~2.0" mg/kg, As "1.0" mg/kg, Zn "5.0" mg/kg and Cu "0.1~50"mg/kg from vegetables in 'the tolerable contents of food' by the FAO/WHO, therefor some vegetables has set to evaluate their safeties.



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