대단위 부품-기계 군집 문제를 위한 Look-ahead 휴리스틱 알고리듬

A Look-ahead Heuristic Algorithm for Large-scale Part-Machine Grouping Problems

  • 백종관 (서일대학 산업시스템경영과) ;
  • 백준걸 (인덕대학 산업시스템경영과) ;
  • 김창욱 (연세대학교 정보산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


In this paper, we consider a multi-objective machine cell formation problem. This problem Is characterized as determining part route families and machine cells such that total sum of inter-ceil part movements and maximum machine workload imbalance are simultaneously minimized. Together with the objective function, alternative part routes and the machine sequences of part routes are considered In grouping Part route families. Due to the complexity of the problem, a two-phase heuristic algorithm is proposed. And we developed an n-stage look-ahead heuristic algorithm that generalizes the roll-out algorithm. Computational experiments were conducted to verify the performance of the algorithm.



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