A Study on the Subject Selection of VE Using Decision Weights Techniques

VE 대상선정을 위한 평가항목의 가중치결정방법에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.09.01


Was used at step space-time mainly after VE technique sponsors in domestic in the 1960s but have been expanded to design step recently. Possibility of value elevation or cost reduction must choose member that is effectively for active and effective application of VE technique. In this study, when enforce design VE examining for weight decision corrosion protection been using in weight grant composition estimation technique, target choice process wishes to suggest formality and method that can be achieved effectively Main conclusion of this study sorts valuation items step by step for weight appropriation of valuation basis and give point on article of high position point after expert which employer is included estimates article by low rank step and this presented high position method that do union item by item and establishes by item weight. Did these techniques for giving weights so that importance for weight appropriation developed estimation program, and data save of target estimation standard and target estimation standard is possible using straight sit.



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  1. Enhancing Value of Public Construction Projects by Improving Contract Review Process vol.2, pp.4, 2011,