빛과 공간예술에서 빛에 의한 공간의 표현특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Design Characteristics of Artistic Space effected by Light in 'Light and Space Art'

  • 서정연 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내건축)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Light is the essential and symbolical entity In architecture. But the meaning of light has been changed as time has passed, and today it has plural meaning and more sophisticated role. Since 1960's 'Light and Space Art' has accomplished many successful experiments through light and space as artistic media, and they have changed the understanding of light from the electrical source to the phenomenological energy and sensual medium. And also the role of space in their works takes the more human-oriented field constituted from the coherent relationship of internal parts including human being. Light could be 'an object' and 'material' under 'Light and Space Art' artists' persistent efforts. They revealed another realm of spatial experiences such as extension-the metaphysical space, heterogeneous relationship-the complex space, and dematerialization-the illusionary space. The secondary and inclusive effects by 'Light and Space Art' can be found In the phenomenological architecture, the post-modern architecture, and the immaterial tendency of contemporary architecture. However, the more close connections between 'Light and Space Art' and the specific architectures are still left as a portion aside for the further research.



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