적조생물, Cochlodinium polykrikoides와 Gymnodinium sanguieum의 사멸에 있어 암모니아염의 효과

The Effects of Ammonium Ion and Salts on the Killing of Red Tides Organism; Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Gymnodinium sanguieum

  • 손재학 (신라대학교, 해양바이오전공 Marine-Bio 기능성물질 산업화지원센터)
  • Sohn, Jae-Hak (Major in Marine Biotechnology, Silla University, Marine Biotechnology Center for Bio-Functional Material Industries)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Cell-free culture broth of marine halophilic bacterium, Kordia algicida was shown to possess specific algicidal ability against red tide organism, Cochlodinium polykrikides. Physiochemical characteristics of algicidal material originated in the bacterial culture broth were analyzed that its molecular weight was estimated to a 3,000 dalton and it was stable in heat and pH treatment. The algicidal fraction against C. polykrikoides obtained from gel permeable chromatography contained high concentration of ammonium ion as analyzed by ICP/Mass spectrum. C. polykrikoides by the fraction was quickly lysed within 1 min. It was shown that the effective concentration for algicide against C. polykrikoides was over 1mM of ammonium chloride. On the other hand, other metal ions presented in the algicidal fraction showed no algicidal effect against C. polykrikoides. In additon, ammonium ion exhibited species-specific killing spectrum for two species of red tide organisms, C. polykrikoides and Gymnodinium sanguieum. Therefore, further researches on the killing mechanism against C. polykrikoides exerted by ammonium ion, and subsequent development of replaceable algicidal materials will perform to provide useful tools for the control of red tide.



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