Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society (한국산학기술학회논문지)
- Volume 6 Issue 4
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- Pages.296-301
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- 2005
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- 1975-4701(pISSN)
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- 2288-4688(eISSN)
A study on an effect of food waste compost for rock cut-slope revegetation
암비탈면녹화에 음식물퇴비의 활용방안에 관한 연구
- Published : 2005.08.01
This study was conducted to get the basic data on an effect of food waste compost for rock cut-slopese vegetation. Two foreign cool-season grasses and native plants were used for this experiment. Cool-season grasses were Festuca ruba and Lolium perene, Native plants were Amorpha fruticosa, and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria. Amorpha fruticosa, Indigofera psendo-tinctoria, and Lolium perenne decreased in germination rate and plant height at NaCl concentrations of
본 연구는 암비탈면 녹화시 음식물퇴비가 식생기반재료로 활용될 수 있는지에 대한 기초자료를 얻기 위해 실시되었다. 녹화용 식생으로 외래초종 Creeping red fescue(Festuca rubra), Perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne) 2종을, 재래 초목본 쪽제비싸리(Amorpha fruticosa), 낭아초(Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria) 2종을 선정하여, 염분농도와 퇴비 사용량에 따른 종자별 발아특성 및 인공비탈면에서의 혼파실험을 통한 생육특성을 조사하였다. 염분농도에 따른 발아특성은 쪽제비싸리, 낭아초, Perennial ryegrass의 경우