A Study of Mothers' Nutritional Knowledge on Weaning of Breast-fed Infants, the Age of 6 Months

평균 6개월 모유영양 영아 어머니의 이유지식에 관한 고찰

  • Kang Soon Ah (Department of Molecular Biotechnology, BMIC, Konkuk University) ;
  • Shin Ho Jeung (Department of Molecular Biotechnology, BMIC, Konkuk University) ;
  • Lim Yoong-Ho (Department of Molecular Biotechnology, BMIC, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim Gye Ae (Health Center) ;
  • Woo Yean Hee (Health Center) ;
  • Jun Yong Hoon (Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Kim Soon Ki (Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Inha University Hospital)
  • 강순아 (건국대학교 분자생명공학과 생명분자정보학센터) ;
  • 신호정 (건국대학교 분자생명공학과 생명분자정보학센터) ;
  • 임융호 (건국대학교 분자생명공학과 생명분자정보학센터) ;
  • 김계애 (인천시 중구보건소) ;
  • 우연희 (인천시 중구보건소) ;
  • 전용훈 (인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
  • 김순기 (인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실)
  • Published : 2005.08.01


This study was conducted to investigate the mothers' nutritional knowledge on weaning of 101 infants (8 for 4 mo, 44 for 5 mo, 45 for 6 mo, 4 for 7 mo) at a public health center of Incheon. Informations on the mothers' nutritional knowledge were obtained by questionnaires. In this survey $41.6\%$ of infants were breast-feeding, $43.6\%$ of them were bottle-feeding, and $14.9\%$ of them were mixed feeding right after birth. The rate of breast-feeding right after birth was significantly higher in mothers of high school graduate than mothers of college/university graduate (p < 0.05). The infants of mothers graduated high school began to be weaned significantly earlier than the infants of mothers graduated college/university (p < 0.05). $95.1\%$ of infants (n = 101) began to be weaned 4 to 6 months. $83.1\%$ of infants were fed home-made weaning foods. $66.7\%$ of infants were fed rice gruel, $18.5\%$ of them were fruit juice, $6.2\%$ of them were mixed grain, and $4.9\%$ of them were commercially prepared weaning foods as their first supplementary foods. As main supplementary foods, $32.8\%$ of infants were fed vegetable, $30.5\%$ of them were rice gruel, and $27.7\%$ of them were fruit juice. Mothers' nutritional knowledge related to weaning was significantly higher among mothers of college/ university graduate than mothers of high school graduate (p < 0.05). $86.1\%$ of mothers disagreed with the questionnaire in which breast-fed infants aged over 4 months needed to be fed iron sufficient food. For the improvement of nutritional status especially iron nutritional status of infants, nutritional education for mothers with weaning aged infants has to be increased and related programs have to be operated effectively.



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