A Human Action Recognition Scheme in Temporal Spatial Data for Intelligent Web Browser

  • Cho, Kyung-Eun (Dept. of Computer and Multimedia Engineering Dongguk University)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


This paper proposes a human action recognition scheme for Intelligent Web Browser. Based on the principle that a human action can be defined as a combination of multiple articulation movements, the inference of stochastic grammars is applied to recognize each action. Human actions in 3 dimensional (3D) world coordinate are measured, quantized and made into two sets of 4-chain-code for xy and zy projection planes, consequently they are appropriate for applying the stochastic grammar inference method. We confirm this method by experiments, that various physical actions can be classified correctly against a set of real world 3D temporal data. The result revealed a comparatively successful achievement of $93.8\%$ recognition rate through the experiments of 8 movements of human head and $84.9\%$ recognition rate of 60 movements of human upper body. We expect that this scheme can be used for human-machine interaction commands in a web browser.
