세계 u-city 건설 현황 및 이슈

  • 정창덕 (서울벤처정보대학원대학교)
  • 발행 : 2005.07.01


In these days, international Ubiquitous Cities are being developed in many places, and their settings, aims, designs, organizations, and functionality differ among many different kinds of solutions and systems. This paper has been based on quantitative and qualitative research, and used lots of relevant data and information. Even though Ubiquitous cities are generally conceived as local information infrastructures and as a means for enhancing democratic participation, users primarily appreciate it as a tool for communication. We also observed among others, how cyberspace reproduces the dynamics of established and outsiders, which inclines us to think that virtual public is not as open as is often claimed. However, Ubiquitous cities will always offer you more comfortable life than ever from now on.



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