분리대두단백질을 첨가한 쌀국수의 제면특성 및 개발

Characteristics and development of Rice Noodle Added with Isolate Soybean Protein

  • 박희경 (식품위생안전연구소) ;
  • 이효지 (한양대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of isolate soybean protein (ISP) and rice flour on the characteristics of rice noodles. As the levels of ISP and rice flour increased, water binding capacity, swelling power of rice noodle increased. In RVA, pasting temperature, Set back showed an increasing tendency with peak viscosity, holding viscosity, break down, final viscosity of rice noodle increased as the level of rice flour by decreasing. Peak time was not significant. The weight, water absorption and volume of the cooked noodles were decreased. The turbidity of rice noodle increased. The Hunter color L, a-values of the dried rice noodle decreased. Cooked rice noodle quality increased with by decreasing the level of rice flour level. B-values of dried rice noodle and cooked rice noodle increased. Texture profile analysis of cooked rice noodle showed an increase of hardness. Adhesiveness, cohesiveness of cooked rice noodles decreased with by decreasing the level of ISP and rice flour. Gumminess, springiness, chewiness were increased. Sensory evaluation, showed gloss was increased. Hardness and chewiness of the cooked ice noodles were increased. Adhesiveness was not significant. Color and overall- acceptability were increased. Relationship between sensory and mechanical examinations (The overall quality of sensory examination for gloss) had a negative correlation with the mechanical examination for b-value (p.0.05). Mechanical examination for b-value had a positive correlation of sensory evaluation for hardness, chewiness, which had negative correlation of sensory evaluation for color. Scanning Electron, Microscopes observation of rice noodle was showed that the size of the hole grown was increased with by increasing the level of rice flour. From the above results, the most advisable mixture ratio of rice noodle evaluation was can be derived as follows: 171g rice flour, 114g wheat flour, 15g soybean protein isolate, 120ml water, and 6g salt.



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