오디즙을 첨가한 녹말오디다식의 품질특성에 관한 연구

Quality Characteristics of Starch Oddi Dasik Added with Mulberry Fruit Juice

  • 발행 : 2005.10.31


This study was carried out to investigate of the quality characteristics of the starch Oddi Dasik(MSOD) manufactured with various addition levels (0, 5, 10, 18 and 28%) of mulberry fruit (Oddi) juice (MFJ), with various levels(55%, 50%, 45%, 37% and 27%) of sucrose syrup, and with the ratio of rice powder: mungbean starch (1:4) according to the traditional Korean Dasik (a kinds of cookie) methodology. The nutritional components of Oddi and MSOD were examined, and sensory evaluation and physical tests of MSOD added MFJ were conducted. The results are summarized as follows. In Oddi, the contents of moisture, crude fat, crude protein, crude ash, and vitamin C, and the levels of acidity, pH and sugar were 88.45%, 0.245%, 2.23%, 0.88%, 53.20 mg%, 8.00%, 4.41 and 11.0 Brix%, respectively. In MSOD (Oddi 10%), the contents of moisture, crude fat, crude protein, and crude ash, were 22.8%, 0.117%, 9.2% and 0.8%, respectively, and were all increased with increasing MFJ amount. In MSOD (Oddi 10%), the contents of Ca, Mg, K and Fe were 63.2 mg%, 70.9 mg%, 376.0 mg% and 7.7 mg%, respectively. and were increased with increasing MFJ amount. For the establishment of the additional amount of MFJ, sensory evaluation and physical tests were conducted. From the total characteristics of sensory evaluation, the MSOD with 10% MFJ was judged as the best. Color L and b values of MSOD significantly decreased and a value increased with increasing MFJ percentage. Hardness, gumminess, adhesiveness and chewiness among the texture characteristics of MSOD were significantly increased with increasing MFJ amount. However, there were no significant differences in springiness and cohesiveness of the MSOD. In conclusion, the optimal added amount of MFJ for the manufacture of the MSOD was proposed to be 10% of the total weight.



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