Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Crude Drug-Combined Preparations (RGCDPs) on Memory Enhancement in Mice

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Anti-amnestic activities of Korean red ginseng (Ginseng Radix Rubra) and Crude drug-combined preparations (RGCDP-1, RGCDP-2, and RGCDP-3) were evaluated by the animal experiment. RGCDP-1 and RGCDP-2 were prepared based on Korean folk prescriptions, 'Chongmyongtang' and 'Guibitang', respectively, while RGCDP-3, by a combination of both. Among the three preparations, RGCDP-3 was found to show the most potent anti-amnestic activity as evaluated by the passive avoidance test with mice, indicating synergistic action by combined effect of RGCDP-1 and RGCDP-2.



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