심혈관 노화가 맥상(脈象)에 미치는 영향

A Study of the Cardiovascular Aging Effect on the Pulse Shape

  • 신상훈 (경희대학교 한의과대학 진단 . 생기능의학과학교실) ;
  • 임혜원 (KIST 생체과학연구부 의과학연구센터) ;
  • 박영재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 진단 . 생기능의학과학교실) ;
  • 박영배 (경희대학교 한의과대학 진단 . 생기능의학과학교실)
  • Shin, Sang-Hoon (Dept. of Biofunctional Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Rhim, Hye-Whon (Biomedical Research Center, KIST) ;
  • Park, Young-Jae (Dept. of Biofunctional Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Park, Young-Bae (Dept. of Biofunctional Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2005.07.31


Background and purpose: Cardiovascular disease will undoubtedly rise along with the aging of the 'baby-boom' generation. The purpose of this study is to find the new index of the cardiovascular aging. Methods: The effects of aging on the heart and the arterial system are surveyed in the point of structure and function. Results: Arterial stiffening is due to the fatiguing effects of periodic stress on the arterial wall and is the main reason for increasing pulse wave velocity. The systolic hypertension is caused by the early return of wave reflection. The increased after-load by the arterial change leads to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. The reduction in left ventricular compliance cause the impairments of the diastolic function. In contrast to the lower limb, aging effect in the upper limb are almost due to the ascending aortic pressure wave and the reflected wave from the lower limb. Conclusion: We have the following points. (1) The change of physiological pulse pattern by age can be explained by the early returning of reflected wave. (2) The atrial pulse in old age are generated by the left ventricular hypertrophy.
