우리나라 양.한방 보건의료 부문간의 현황과 과제 : 새로운 의료체계로의 전환을 위한 공공정책의 선택

Current Circumstance and Issues in Interface between Western Medicine and Traditional Korean Medicine in Korea : What are Health Policy Options for a New Integrative Health System?

  • 한동운 (한양대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실,한양대학교 보건의료연구소) ;
  • 윤태형 (한양대학교 보건의료연구소)
  • Han, Dong-Woon (Hanyang University, College of Medicine,Hanyang University, Institute of Health Care Management) ;
  • Yoon, Tae-Hyung (Hanyang University, Institute of Health Care Management)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.29


Internationally, many countries are facing the demand for reshaping health care systems to cope with rapid changing circumstances in health care sector. The recent growth of oriental medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the many countries is, to a large extent, due to the growth of the number of oriental medical doctors and physicians who have taken up alternative therapies alongside conventional medicine. To cope with the changing environments, many countries consider to develop integrative health care which is now used widely in health care sector. In both biomedical and CAM sectors(including oriental medicine), attention appears to have shifted away from separating therapeutic modalities into categories such as biomedical or CAM, towards a focus on merging diverse modalities into a 'new' integrative health system. In Korea, one of peculiar characteristics of health care system is that as health care provider, Hanbang medicine (traditional Korean medicine) and (western) medicine coexist since 19 century. Recently, the government of Korea has given many efforts to enhance the role and function of traditional Korean medicine in health care sector. However, the strategies and measures for integrative health care settings combining traditional Korean medicine and western medicine on health sector have not been developed yet. The research question of this study is In Korea, what are the trends and problems in interface of traditional Korean medical sector and Western medical sector; what are the causes of or associated factors to the problems; how to cope with the problems and how to resolve the causes?; what are the health policy directions and its strategies that the government should take to cope with the future demand and the burden on health care sector? In order to do this, this study explores the current situations and issues on the interface between traditional Korean medicine and (western) medicine in various ways using contents analysis of existing data and documents related to traditional Korean medicine and health policy. Finally, we discussed stakeholders' views on the interface in the health care sector. Then, health policy options to have shifted away from separating therapeutic modalities into categories such as 'traditional Korean medicine' or 'western medicine', towards a focus on merging diverse modalities into a 'new' integrative health system.
