Correction factors based on the catch ratios of egg and larval densities in the southern waters of Korea were estimated for anchovy Engraulis japonica. This was undertaken in order to adjust ichthyoplankton data from different sampling methods, gear types and time. Samples were collected during ichthyop1ankton surveys in Korean waters from 1983 to 1994. The ratios for egg densities obtained in vertical tows with a NORPAC net (ring $\Phi$, 45 cm) compared to those obtained in oblique tows with a KOB net (ring $\Phi$, 80 cm) were 0.86 (CV = 0.65), 1.22 (CV = 0.36), and 0.93 (CV = 0.42) for early, middle, and later developmental stages, respectively. The ratios for larval densities for vertical and oblique tows varied depending on size. For yolk-sac and small larvae (< 4 mm), the ratios were 3.08 (CV = 0.45) and 1.98 (CV = 1.34), while those of 4-6 mm, 6-8 mm, and 8-10 mm larvae were 0.44 (CV = 1.31), 0.45 (CV = 1.70), and 0.56 (CV = 2.50), respectively. Ratios of day/night densities for larvae of 4-10 mm lengths were lower (0.01-0.06) in offshore catches than values obtained in coastal areas (0.440.46) and similar values (0.16-0.04) for vertical and oblique tows. Our results indicated that vertical towing is more efficient for sampling early life stages (from eggs to larvae less than 4 mm long), while oblique towing is more efficient for larvae longer than 4 mm due to depth preferences for each developmental stage (e.g., changes in egg buoyancy and vertical migration oflarvae).