기업의 자기주식취득제한 완화에 관한 비교법적 연구

A comparative legal study on the relaxation of restrictions at the acquisition of own stock in enterprise

  • 발행 : 2005.09.25


This thesis is to explore the relaxation of restrictions at the acquisition of own stock, and to get the results from this system many countries' legislations were alluded as model cases for Korean system. In comparing with America, Japan, Europe(EC 2nd Commercial Law), and England, the final suggestion for Korean companies law as follows: The solution of problems which is derived from the acquisition at own stock in enterprise is to make the optimum situation for the economic development and stability of stock market. So, to solve these problems needs the relaxation of restrictions for this system and by the relaxation of restrictions can get the distribution of its profit to stockholder, and the compensation for employers and employees. Furthermore, through this system the company can achieve the protection against M&A and the supply of company funds. In conclusion the relaxation of restrictions at the acquisition of own stock is acknowledged the necessity, but the problems that would be followed must be necessarily minimized, and to do so, the legal system has to be molded for this purpose and the its procedure(that is, accounting deal of own stock, the fictitious dividend, and non-appliance of tendency control) has to be prior to the legal system.
