효과적인 안전사고 예방을 위한 발주자 선도의 총체적 안전관리제도

Total Safety Management System by Owner's Lending for the Effective Prevention of Construction Accidents

  • 발행 : 2005.09.30


In this paper, the systematic problems of safety management in domestic construction industry are presented by the investigation and analysis of construction fatal injuries. In particular, it is discussed that the current construction safety management system by contractors leading is ineffective to prevent the serious accidents caused by inappropriate planning and design and to circulate the safety management cycle without interruption. A couple of ways for improving domestic construction safety management system are suggested in broad perspective. This is done by the analysis of construction safety management system of four advanced industrial countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan and the study of a best practice. Total safety management system by owners leading is recommended to prevent construction accident effectively because this system makes all the parties join to the management system and distribute the responsibilities clearly to each party. This will drop the accident occurrence rate by dragging all the parties' cooperations and activating the total safety management system in an early stage.



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