A Study on the Explosion Relief Venting in the Gas Explosion

실내 가스 폭발시 폭발압력 방출에 관한 연구

  • Oh, Kyu-Hyung (Department of Fire Protection Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • Published : 2005.09.30


This study aims to find the safe vent area to prevent a destruction of building by gas explosion in a building. Explosion vessel which used in this experiment is 1/5 scale down model of simple livingroom and its dimension is 100cm in length 60cm in width and 45cm in height. Liquified petroleum gas(LPG) was injected to the vessel to the concentration of 4.5vol%, and injection rate were varied in 1L/min or 4L/min. Gas mixture was ignited by the 10kV electric spark. For analysis the characteristics of vented explosion pressure according to the vent size and vent shape, its size and shape were varied. From the experiment, it was found that explosion pressure in the vented explosion :in affected by the gas injection rate, vent area and vent shape. And the vent area to volume ratio(S/V) to prevent the building destruction by explosion pressure, it is recommended that the design of vent area happened by the explosion should be above 1/500cm in S/V. And if the vent area has complicate structure in same area, vented explosion pressure will be higher than a single vent, and possibility of building destruction will increase. Therefore to effectively vent the explosion pressure for protect a building and residents from the gas explosion hazards, the same vent area should have a singular and constant shape in the cross-sectional area of the vessel.



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