Conflict Avoidance in Construction Projects: Six 'C' Rescue Factors

  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


Conflict is aroused when different people having different interest work together for fulfilling same the objectives. As the construction field is large, complex, volatile and requires tremendous capital, there are always greater challenges and possibility of risks of conflicts. Poor management practices in construction site and trying to protect risks and threats by contracting parties are the cited sources of the construction conflicts. The best management practice is to resolve the problems before these cultivate as conflicts. This paper has identified six dispute avoidance factors-Convince, Coordination, Consideration, Compromise, Consolation and Coercion. Six 'C' factors described in this paper are the mantra (formula) to execute a conflict free construction project. The conflict avoidance factors have been verified through a successfully executed project called TEVT development project (Technical Education and Vocational Training) during 1993-1998 in Nepal. The results show that the six 'C' factors 'C' considered during the implementation of the project, construction conflicts would be controlled or minimized effectively.



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