수도권 도시철도 수입금 정산 분석모형

A Revenue Allocation Model for the Integrated Urban Rail System in the Seoul Metropolitan

  • 발행 : 2005.08.31


서울시 통합대중교통체계개편에 의한 준공영제 및 거리비례오금제의 시행으로 대중교통 수입금정산문제가 한국철도공사, 서울지하철공사, 서울특별시도시철도공사, 인천지하철공사의 기존도시철도운영기관의 수입금 배분 문제가 내재된 상태에서 버스와 도시철도의 수단간 배분문제까지 포함하는 복잡한 문제로 전개되었다. 또한 추가로 계획되고 있는 민자노선, 지자체의 경전철 도입계획으로 향후 대중교통수입금 정산은 보다 다양한 운영기관 및 지역의 협상문제로서 매우 복잡하게 전개될 것으로 예상되고 있다. 본 연구는 대중교통운영기관의 수입금 배정의 기본접근모형을 제시하는 것으로, 운영기관이 통합대중교통망에서의 승객수송에 기여한 정도를 파악하는 것을 핵심으로 하고 있다. 이를 위해 향후 전자지불시스템이 완비되었을 상황을 가정하여 이때에서 환승구간 때문에 승객의 통행행태가 파악되지 않는 수도권 도시철도로 한정하여 역간의 (복수의) 통행경로를 파악하고 수요를 배정하여 운영기관의 인-Km등의 기여도를 계산하는 방안을 제안하다. 본 연구의 주요내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 도시철도의 승객의 환승행태를 반영한 일반화 비용. 2. 역간 유사경로결정을 위한 K경로알고리즘. 3. 유사경로에 수요배정모형.

Seoul metropolitan public transport reform results in the introduction of the semi-public operation and distance-based fare policies. With implementation of these policies, public transport revenue allocation has been (will be) evolved very complicated because the existing revenue allocation issues have not only been clearly solved, which is generated by the combined relationship among Korea Railroad Corporation (KRC). Seoul Metropolitan Subway Corporation (SMSC). Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation (SMRTC), and Incheon Rapid Transit Corporation (IRTC), but also the revenue allocation problem between bus and urban railroad-related organizations need to be considered in this combined framework. On top of that. based on the future plans such as the private sector's railroad construction plan(s), the light rail transit construction plans of several local governments and the join of remained bus lines of Seoul metropolitan areas, it is understood that the revenue allocation among public transport operating organization will become one of main issues of operation organization as well as local and central governments. As a basic approach for revenue allocation of public transport operation organizations, the purpose of this paper is to propose an integrated model applicable to estimate degree of service contribution in passenger carriage in the combined public transport network. With a hypothesis that the complete electronic card system is deployed, this paper supposes every passenger's loading and alighting stations is recordable. Thereby, this paper limits research scope as to Seoul metropolitan railroad area since used route(s) between origin and destination stations can not be traceded because transfer stations each passenger path through is not recorded. Each model proposed in the paper is as follows: 1. a generalized cost reflecting passenger's transfer behavior; 2.a K path model for determining similar routes between O-D; 3.an assignment model for loading O-D trips onto the detected similar routes using Logit Model.



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