A Study on the Meanning and Characteristic of Schema in the Thinking of Architectural Design - with Kant's Epistemology

건축디자인 사고에서 스키마의 의미와 특성에 관한 연구 - 칸트의 인식론적 관점에서 -

  • Published : 2005.06.01


The purpose of this study aims at the development of architectural design thinking which has been studied in the Kant's Epistemology to examine the Schema theories. In this point of view, the related theories are reviewed through Expression Form, representation of architectural knowledge and so on. One of these words, the Schema that formed by transcendental an Experience and Memory of transcendental an Experience, not only Play an important Part in the designer's thinking system about a specific problem but also appeared by distinctive features(image) and included by connotation as like a designer's ideology. Speaking briefly, thinking of a designer familiar with us as abstract confusion can be confined such methodological tools as schema, and image, etc., which we can easily understand the relationship among them through mechanism of Kant's [Concept-Schema-Intuition]. Evidences collected from case studies and its application on architectural design yield following results. First, design thinking can be defined as Kant's Epistemology composed of the schema and its extended factors(architectural-schema). Second, design thinking can be revealed different characteristics depending on the degree of the schema and architectural-schema. Lastly, the methodology will be proposed after application of the result to architects' works.



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