실험주거 행위 다이어그램의 유형별 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Types of Activity Diagrams for Experimental Residential Design

  • 김종진 (건국대학교 건축전문대학원 실내건축설계학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This study is focused on the characteristics of organization types of activity diagrams for experimental residential design. Diagrams became one of the crucial design methods to rationally generate a definite spatial form that contains indefinite human activities In contemporary architecture. Particularly in residential design, activity diagrams based on the occupants' behavioral patterns have been critically important. 'Scientific Management in the Home' by mathematical calculation and the Archigram's 'Living 1990' equipped with innovative technologies are the representative examples in modern architecture. The study is focused on the experimental residential projects since 2000 and three main types of activity organization were discovered: 'Weaving through Circulation';'Flexible Space by Equipment' and 'Activity Selection by Open-Close System'. Two projects from each type are analyzed in detail to further develop the comparison study. The study is concluded that, although the architect's preconceived . philosophical background has an important role, activity organization should smoothly derive from the unique conditions of the project such as the characteristic of the occupant itself.



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