부엌 공간 사용 행태로 본 주거문화의 변화

The Transition of Housing Culture According to User's Behavior in the Kitchen

  • 강순주 (건국대학교 소비자 주거학과)
  • Kang Soon-Joo (Depart. of Consumer Science and Housing, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This research examined the residents' behavior in using space, focusing on the kitchen area where there was the most change, in order to understand the transition of living culture through the ages. The following findings were obtained: 1) Today's apartment residents prefer 'Island' style which is located a separate counter and work space. Thus the kitchen m is now being recognized as a place spacious, and where the whole family can participate. 2) The usage of the kitchen is not only limited to cooking or keeping household goods but also broadened to washing, private life, happy home circle, inviting guests etc. Especially, family union or inviting guests in the kitchen is more frequent as the houses become larger, private refreshment or reading in the kitchen is proportional to income and to people living in homes where the kitchen and dining room is divided independent 3) Looking at the dietary life styles of today's apartment residents, there are more well-being type and tradition type than prosessed type. This trend is portional to the resident's standard of education and the size of the apartment, thus making a significant influence.



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