Experimental Study on Properties of Concrete Incorporating Inoragnic Antifouling Agent

무기계 방오(防汚)제가 혼입된 콘크리트 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 김연봉 (대전대학교 건축공학과 대학원) ;
  • 남재현 (대전대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


Concrete structures in the marine environment often deteriorate in the early stage of their service life because of contact with various aggressive conditions. In recent years, the researches on the concrete in the marine environment have been carried out to increase their service life. In this experimental study, the concrete specimens were prepared with various adding contents of inorganic antifouling agent$(0\~3.0wt\%)$ composed of some fluosilicate solution. For evaluation of the properties of concretes containing inorganic antifouling agent, various tests such as setting time, slump loss, compressive strength, water absorption rate, fleering and thawing resistance and SEM of concrete, were conducted. As the results, physical and chemical properties of concretes were improved with an adding of inorganic antifouling agent. From the results of various tests, the optimal adding contents of antifouling agent was $1.0wt\%$.



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