Mating Behaviour in Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.)

  • Saheb N. M. Biram (National Silkworm Seed Project, CSB Complex, B. T. M Layout Madivala) ;
  • Singh Tribhuwan (Central Silk Board, B. T M Layout Madivala) ;
  • Kalappa H. K. (National Silkworm Seed Project, CSB Complex, B. T. M Layout Madivala) ;
  • Saratchandra B. (Central Silk Board, B. T M Layout Madivala)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Mating is an essential behavioural social event in the life cycle of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.) for the perpetuation of population. A number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors and events of significant importance are involved in successful mating and egg deposition by an adult silk moth which besides biochemical, physiological and environmental factors also includes attraction of reproductively competent male and female moth for mating, duration and frequency of mating, age of moth at the time of mating, reuse of male moth in the production of eggs etc. An attempt has been made in this review article to elucidate briefly the behaviour of male towards female moth after eclosion, impact of duration and frequency of mating on egg deposition and oviposition, reuse of mated male moth in the production of quality and quantity eggs etc. in the silk-worm, B. mori and its significance in silkworm seed production.



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